Blue belt Graded Backpack (permanent straps)
Blue belt Graded Backpack (permanent straps)
Graded Blue Belt Straps Original version. The STRAPS are not interchangeable.
Best bag I’ve ever had!
Makes it easier to travel with with my jujutsu equipment
This bag is awesome! It's very comfortable, can hold my gi, shin guards, gloves and hand wraps. Lightweight and sturdy with a keyring on the inside and a clip for water on the outside. I love it!
You might wanna have BJJ belt first, that's kind of the point. I bought a blue belt model for my white belt friend. He refuses to use it just now but is working his way towards that blue belt and that blue belt backpack. I'm not gonna pretend that the pack is the main reason why he wants the blue belt but for now, it does sit there, like a trophy ready to grab, motivating him to reach that belt and pack.